Monday, May 6, 2013

As a child I was told about Joan of Arc, in fact I a remember watching a movie about her.  But being a non Catholic her story was treated as a myth within my circles.  I always wondered about it. Now after some research I believe in the myth no longer but espouse it's truth.  I believe that she was so far out of the mainstream, the religious norms, and so little influenced by it that they had no control over her.  Indeed it goes without saying she loved God, but I believe she did indeed receive visions from him. She saw a portion of how big he is, today we would say she lived outside the box. As for her veneration of her as a saint...I am not so inclined but I so respect her ability to live out who she was, come what may, Love the most hated lover of all time,  without regard to the boxed up, down pat God so popular then (and now) and in the end be able to say "I have run the good race and lost none of myself, I gave my life and it was given back to me."  And I think quite possibly she would add "no regrets"

Joan of Arc was illustrated  in Poser, and CS6.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

There is a sense of change
in my soul
a stirring, an uneasiness
I look at the world
and we are not loved
I look within myself
and cannot rise above
I listen as distant thunder
rolls on in
in the places where
reverent silence has always been–

the Christian soliders prepare
for war
as they have so many
times before
and I wait...
uneasy because their tiny
swords  no longer cut but
jolst at best

the enemy remains–
Undressed I walk in mere
girding of my loin
without a chariot without a coin
I stand unarmed, without
man's shield
hoping I withstand
the weapons he wields–

Surely surely I am not
There must be others
knowing the battle is
not thier own
Come but stand with me
in strong, stilled gait
Yes we'll stand.look
resolve to wait–

There He is our Lord
bring our wonderous